establishing and describing ESA’s Standard of professional conduct
All members of the Association should at all times:
Exercise professional skill and judgment to the best of their ability.
Provide a safe working environment.
Present or supply products and services honestly without misrepresentation.
Safeguard the clients, the public and other contractors’ interest in matters of safety, health, and the environment.
Carry out their professional responsibilities with integrity, honesty, and diligence.
Provide fair and responsive service to customers before, during, and after all business transactions.
Refrain from all forms of unlawful discrimination.
Avoid undertaking work that is beyond their capabilities.
Share knowledge, expertise, and skills to advance the industry while respecting the confidentiality of customers and associates.
Make full and frank disclosure to customers of all material terms of any agreement with them.
Comply with all lawful contractual obligations.
Recognize the rights of others to compete for business in compliance with applicable laws.
Respect all intellectual property rights, relevant laws, codes, and statutory regulations, and protect the public against fraud and unfair trade practices.
Support the development of industry standards and safe practices.
Uphold the dignity and reputation of the profession and that of the Association, its members, and officers.
Support the ESA by taking an active role in Association activities and promoting the Association to the industry.
Not maliciously or recklessly injure or attempt to injure the professional reputation of other persons or organizations, whether directly or indirectly, whether they are Association members or not.
Not do anything, or permit anything under their authority to be done, of which the probable and involuntary consequences would, in their professional judgment:
Endanger human life or safety.
Expose valuable property to the risk of destruction or serious damage.
Needlessly pollute or damage the environment.