INPUT NEEDED: Live Events Coalition Conducting COVID-19 Impact Survey


Our friends at Live Event Coalition are currently conducting a survey to capture the impacts of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic:

Event Professionals We Need Your Voice!

We the live events industry, the people who make it all happen have to be seen and let those in power know who we are, how far we reach, as well as how hard we have been hit by COVID-19 and the employment and economic impact we have to ensure they know our story as they put forth legislation. To power our advocacy work we need DATA – we ask that you please complete this survey and share it with colleagues to complete as well. There is power in numbers so the more surveys completed the better. As they say bad data in is bad data out and we must provide good and powerful data. Together we will make our voices heard loud and clear in the numbers!

Survey responses are anonymous, and should take no longer than 5 minutes to complete. Submit your responses through June 30 at

Jacob Worek